DotMP.Shared< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for DotMP.Shared< T >, including all inherited members.

Create< T >(string name, T value)DotMP.Shared< T >inlinestatic
Dispose()DotMP.Shared< T >inline
Dispose(bool disposing)DotMP.Shared< T >inlinevirtual
DisposedDotMP.Shared< T >
Get()DotMP.Shared< T >inline
nameDotMP.Shared< T >private
operator T(Shared< T > shared)DotMP.Shared< T >inlinestatic
Set(T value)DotMP.Shared< T >inline
sharedDotMP.Shared< T >protectedstatic
Shared(string name, T value)DotMP.Shared< T >inline